Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When you seek comfort

Do you seek comfort in food? Do you gobble down ice-cream and chocolates when you’re down?

Do you seek comfort in reading stories of others and burying yourselves underneath heaps of work?

Do you seek comfort in the company of others? A frenzy of loud outings and activities to keep you occupied?

Do you seek comfort in the arms of someone who says he/she loves you but sometimes, at the back of your mind, a niggling feeling tells you otherwise?

Do you feel alone, empty, lost and depressed?

Look no longer for comfort in the material world here. This feel is insatiable and will not go away. Food, activities, work, people, love, pills are not the true answer.

Yes, there only one way and you know it. Just say “Yes, I believe, Lord” and He’ll do the rest. You no longer have to worry or be upset. If you’ve done so, just tell someone what you have done and that’ll person will help you along your journey in knowing the Lord

I don’t know why, just wanted to write about this today.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Shu Uemura Sales

Shu Uemura Sale
Brands offered:
Shu Uemura, Kiehl’s, Giorgio Armani & Lancôme !
Date: 26 June, Friday.
Time: 10am – 5pm.
Where: Shu Uemura Training Room, Level 14 (13A)
L'oreal Office at Damansara Uptown 2.

I got an e-mail from miu about this sales and after checking her review of last year's horrendous crowd, I thought I'll give it a pass.

On Friday, at 12.40pm, it was lunch time and it was raining. I told myself, since it's nearby, I'll just drop by to take a peek at the sales.

I was so surprised; no queue and no crowd. I can just walked into the room with only 2 other customers around. As there was so little people around, I forgot to take pictures and also, my handphone was in my handbag in a sealed plastic bag (which they will put all your handbags into upon entry).

It was a rectangular room with products on sales on tables along the 3 walls and the remaining wall near the entrance was lined up with 3 cashiers. One side was selling: Loreal hair products (about 3 types only if I recall correctly), Vichy facial products (limited few), Kiehl's facial product and Lancome's Blanc Expert Neurowhite mask in bulk! (eg. 3 for RM50, 10 for RM... etc)

On the shorter end was the Shu Uemura makeup brush roll and lots of eyelashes. Half of the other wall was more Shu Uemura products: makeup, loose makeup brushes, lip gloss set with pouch and Shu Uemura Mika travel brush set - most of the stuff was about 40% off.
I know the pouch is too gaudy but I've read good reviews on Shu Uemura's brushes - and since I'm crazy about makeup brushes at the moment, I thought I'll give it a try.

At the end of this table were Giorgio Armani limited makeup. There was one set which caught my eye - 2 lip glosses and a black clutch. I thought it'll be nice as a gift.

My haul? Nothing much - more of curiousity and thought of giving them off as gifts... (haven't decided) unless someone wants them, just drop me a message then. Mind you, I was there for only 20 minutes before running off to 1u to check out Ascience free makeover which made Miu such a babylicious! ;)

Food Review: Ngap Kiok Pau

As far as I can recalled, my dad used to buy us a few of "ngap kiok pau" (duck feet roll) whenever he came back from KL. He bought these delicacies for us to eat as a child. He told me there used to be a few stalls in Petaling Street selling this.

Now, I can only find one and it's my turn to buy back for him. It's sold by this old couple in a stall called "Sze Ngan Chye". In fact, I found some 2007 reviews online in these few blogs:
Review 1
Review 2

Oh yeah, the main dish sold is the duck but I'm only there for the "ngap kiok Pau"

What is "ngap kiok pau"?
Well, basically it's duck feet tied with duck's liver using duck's intestines. It's lather with the sweet dark sauce - similar to the "char siu" sauce. There's not much meat but it's more of the innards and feet's skin.
Sorry if the picture doesn't look too appetising. This one was kept in the fridge and microwave the next day. ha ha..

Don't fancy it? Well, just give it a try if you're a typical Chinese like me who gobbles down pig's intestines (in Bak Kut Teh soup), sizzling hotplate liver, satay celup-cockles, etc. Lol.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Farrah Fawcet (1947-2009)

Today marked another day to show in the mortality of men by the death of famous icon – Michael Jackson. Fans worldwide mourn his death and remember his songs. Radio stations have aired all his songs non-stop today. Some might recall his eccentricity during the recent years with the infamous trial on child molestation. But whatever it is, people will “hu ha” for a few days and they will continue with their lives.

That’s life.

Sorry Michael but since your death has overshadowed Fawcett, this entry is dedicated to her.

I would like to highlight another icon that died today. She is Farah Fawcett. She was one of the original Charlie’s Angels. Google about her and you'll find many articles. I just want to highlight this very strong woman who was determined to live till the very end. In fact, if I am asked to be a blond, I would want to be like her.

I find that she was a very determined woman. She found out that she was diagnosis with anal cancer in 2006. After undergoing all the treatment, she was diagnosis cancer-free during her 60th birthday. Imagine that, 60 years old and still going strong; looking great.

Unfortunately, the cancer reoccur and spread. During this period, she managed to document her battle with cancer in a 2-hour documentary, Farrah's story. It is sad that in the end, her lovely golden locks were all gone from the chemo. However, I pray she has moved on to a better life.. with God. :)

Excerpt from wikipedia: "Fawcett died at 9:28 a.m. on June 25, 2009, in the intensive care unit of Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California, with O'Neal and Stewart by her side. Her death was partially overshadowed in the media by the news that singer Michael Jackson had been taken to hospital in a critical condition just four hours after she had died, and his death later that day."

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Boo hoo!! I don't want to be a "D"!!

Well, it started with this group of friends traveling together. Coincidentally our initials all start like this: "A", "B", "C" and "J". I'm the "J". We have traveled together a few times as "ABCJ". Hence, my friends wanted me to be a "D" so that we can be "ABCD".

Don't want!! So I got away with declining names like "Doris", "Delores", "Donkey", "Diana", etc. hehe Ok-la.. I'm the one who said, "I don't want to be a Donkey". No offense to people whose name start with "D" but why should I change my name when it's already so nice. Tsk tsk..

Then, I have a discussion with this group of friends who happen to have first names with the following initials (plus the earlier friends): "A", "B", "C", "E", "F", "H" and me- "J".

AGAIN, they decided to name me "D" so we can imaginary formed a company named "ABCDEFH". Ha ha.. What about "G"?

Hence, they have heartlessly butchered my name and called me "Doyce". Arggghhh!!! I am not a "D".

I shall always be a "J" and I am proud to have the same initial as Jesus Christ. :D

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Heart vs Mind

Do you live your life with your heart or your mind?
Your heart guides you with your personal feelings and your wants.

Your mind guides you with rational to consider all aspects; everyone’s opinion, general consensus, pro and cons, etc.

How then can you decide? A balance of both? A tug of war of either one? The devil or the angel’s urging wins?

My friend, close your eyes and quiet your heart. Ask God to reveal the way to you and someone your burden will be lifted. You’ll find that you’re smiling again somehow. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Review- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I just watched Transformers the night before for the United International Pictures preview. Thank you Miu for the tickets! And what good seats they were: second from the back!! :)

This is my first time watching a movie so early whereby all audience have to deposit their handphones with the cinema crew and get their body scanned for any recording devices. It sounded troublesome; so I just went there holding my purse and car keys without any bag. If you don’t want to worry about your handphone, just wait a day later to watch the movie with your handphone.

IMHO, interesting points to note which will not give out the story line:

Okay… I admit Megan Fox looked great in the movie. Despite the “horrifying” and highly stressed situation, her lacy, sweet, top is still in good condition. They allowed her to display her acting skill with the focus on one shot where her eyes gets all glazed up and she starts tearing when the Decepticons where looking for them.
That scene was a little cheesy.. it felt like the whole world was blocked out to focus on this hot looking babe to see her cry. :P Anyone noticed this?

Optimus Prime is quite subdued this time; in fact this movie gave a lot of airtime to the Decepticons with their flashy transformation as compared to the good guys- Autobot. I guess the bad guys now rule the scene (Remember Batman? The Joker character is more prominent; plus also the fact that it was Heath Ledger’s last movie. Who was Batman ar? See?)

The only “leng cai” was the hunky Josh Duhamel (from the series Las Vegas) who had little scenes and seemed in a background to help Sam defeat the Autobots.

In short, Transformers is really the high-tech, transformable, gadgetry as it is. (imagine the sound of the transformation now). Fast-moving transformation, sleek cars, gadgetry, one hot lady and a little comic around to enlighten the audience.

You’ll sure have a good time watching this show and it’ll keep your eyes glue on the screen. :) Thumbs up from me!

22 06 09

*belated posting..*

Today is a special day. Another baby is borne. Another new plant has sprouted out of the soil. Today is the present.

How do you live your life to the fullest as if everyday is YOUR special day?
Work every second of 24 hours?
Sleep through the day? (How we wish.. hehe)
Daydream of yester years or impossible futures?Or just stare blankly at the wall?

Whatever it is, I can at least say, after a whole day wasting at work, I’ve got to watch Transformers first tonight! Yuhooo!! :D

And I shall wish Ms B… .a very happy happy birthday with yummy cakes and goodies to accompany her despite the studying she has to do! :) Hugz & Kisssiess!! (Hersey kisses, can? :p)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Plusizekitten Blog Birthday Contest 2 - Transformer Movie

Transformers Revenge of The Fallen

The Screening Details:-

Date: 22/6/09 (Monday)
Time: 9pm (meeting time 8.30pm)
Venue: GSC Mid Valley

I'm in need of a break and I haven't seen a movie in ages on a date. *Ahem* so here goes my entry to try to win myself 2 tickets to this highly-sought movie!

Birthday greeting
Happy Birthday to Plusizekitten... you were born in Blogspot.. with the other crazy bloggers... Happy Birthday to you!! :)

Thank you so much for infecting me with your Stila madness that I'm equally affected financially. ;) Love your tips and insiders to where to get good deals.; especially the fact that you're a lifesaver should I need a gift instantly! :)

Why should you pick me?
It's because I'm thick skinned enough to be begging you on both knees; asking you, "Miu, will you please pick me? I need Transformers to break free from this reality. " :)

Look how touched Miu is... hehe (Miu's picture is courtesy of her own blog... )

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Knitting and Crocheting

My mum is very good at knitting and crocheting that she crocheted her own wedding dress! She still keeps it in her closet. :D

When I was young, she made a number of dresses (when I was a toddler & in kindergarten)and blouses(in primary school)for me. She also have a large collection of handmade-crocheted blouses and some dresses she made for herself and even her sister.

Hence, I always appreciate the hard work it goes to into this craft. It takes patience, good eyesight and like most hobbies: a passion for it!

I did learn from my mum a little in my younger days but the only thing now I would remember is the chains and single crochet. In fact, there was this one blouse which I made in secondary school which lies incomplete in a bag somewhere. I only did the front portion of the blouse.

Anyway, when I stumbled upon a thread selling handmade knitted booties at a reasonable price, I had to buy them for my friends. I even bought a whole set of baby booties, baby jacket and hat for another friend due within next month or so as seen in the picture below.
This image is from her thread

The thread is by a nice lady in Penang who knits and crochets industrially baby clothing and some adults too. She sells them online in Lowyat.net under the alias of "ravensaw". Just search for "booties" under Stuff for Ladies and you'll find her thread.

Make sure you place your order early as she says in her thread "she has only one pair of hands". She's creative even taking custom orders for older children's and men's clothing. Do look her up if you appreciate this.

Today, I found out my friend has just became a grandmother today! Congratulations to her! I decided to order this lovely pink crocheted baby dress from the same seller for her. It's going to be delivered tomorrow.
In the meantime, I hope I get to crochet again someday. It's just too adorable not to have these lovely clothing for my kids in the future. But if I remain lazy, perhaps I'll just order and buy them. :P

The Adorable Blog Award

Wow.. I've been tagged by Miu for the "Adorable Blog Award". What is this for, Miu? I'm so honoured you picked me.. :D Thanks dearie.. *hugz*

But I guess it's the pigs adorning this blog are the ones that deserve the credit for their adorableness. Go Piggies of the kingdom of Piggilot. Lol.. So, here's my turn to tag someone else. (who ar? I don't read that many blogs)


* Include the award in your blog or post
* Nominate as many blogs which you like
* Be sure to link the nominees within your post
* Let them know that they receive this award by commenting on their blog
* Share the love and link to this post to the person whom you receive your award

I nominate:
1. Alina
2. Wennie
3. Daphne
4. Coolcatalyst
5. Snowlights
6. Daintydreams
7. Radin

Monday, June 15, 2009

God's Grace

I have informed my boss one year ahead of my intent to take a few weeks off for study leave. At that time, he mentioned that I have to come in to work once or twice a week... or whenever they call me. (Sound like as if I'm on call)

Thank God, somehow, the projects I am in charge of was KIV or scrapped. I am suddenly very free in the office to the extend that my boss even encourages me to take one month off! (No way! I still need $$$)

I thank God for his impeccable timing and pray I'll make good use of the free time I have to study by being allowed to take leave easily now. Unfortunately, it is hard trying to "work" when my urgency of work in the office is nil. Sigh.. how am I going to "work" in the office in the meantime? (I know... we'll never be satisfied. :p )

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Members

All right, somehow I do have a pig collection with stuff I got as gifts and self-bought for fun. Hence, here is another new piggy stuff (ceramic sauce plate) to add into the kingdom of Piggilot. :P
Sigh.. why la did I buy these?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Butterflies in my stomach

This morning...

Butterflies frantically trying to escape the enclosure
Waves over waves of rumbling sea swirl around in confusion
The mind wanders aimlessly; thinking of all alternatives
The smell of fear is desperately kept at bay.
The heart thumps to an erratic nervous beat.
Nervousness feels that way to me.

I pray a quiet prayer and ask God to keep the unwanted emotions away. I try to pay attention and keep my focus before I get that letter.

In the evening...
I rushed back to look for the letter and opened it..
Sigh of relief... though not for all...
However, I say a silent prayer and thank God that I can pursue on.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Autumn in my heart

My hand itched to watch any DVD or shows the last few days (another attempt of procrastination by the “infamous procrastinator” when facing stress)

Hence, when I saw this VCD box set of "Autumn in my heart" lying around my place and thought I’ll give it a go just for one episode. (I don't really watch Korean dramas). My friend told me this drama pioneered the Korean dramas craz in Malaysia.... (aiya I am so out-dated!) :p
Unfortunately, it was slow paced (as usual for Korean romantic dramas) and I happily watch it in forward mode. After one episode, another continued and another continued till I watched half the entire series till the morning prayers sounded. :P


Well, as slow as it is, (with all the non-stop crying by both actresses and actors) I thought the storyline should have beautifully stopped after the 5/6 episode already. Somehow, they delay and complicate the plot to make it go round with non-stop hurt and disappointment (plus more crying).

The plot is basically of being in love but not being able to be together plus a dash of one-sided love. Of course, they had to introduced the tragedy – life-threatening disease to dramatized the story further.

As slow-moving the show was, I still got hooked to find out how the storyline would end. (plus Ms Procrastinator’s desperate attempt to prolong the inevitable)

In the end, I have another 5 more episodes to forward my way true and later scold myself silly for wasting so many hours on watching something not beneficial to myself.

And that’s why I call myself the infamous procrastinator in the face of stress… arghhh!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

To "HP Mini" or to "Fujitsu M1010"

This generation, everyone can own a laptop easily at an affordable price from RM1.5k above (minimum price for mini laptops). Besides being mobile, with all the eateries like Starbucks to Old Town offering wifi, it's convenient to bring a laptop while you eat and surf the net!

Hence, when I glimpse the HP Mini, my hand itches to let myself finally own my first laptop. (Mind you, I am a believer of NOT-getting IT stuff unless I really need or my existing one is spoiled. I always believe that as long as my "trusty" desktop can still work, I will not get a new pc/laptop!)

I was at Harvey Norman warehouse sale earlier today and was tempted to buy one but I told myself "Don't buy just because cheaper RM100-200".

HP Mini 1009TU PC
I was eyeing this "baby" which is priced at RM1499. At the warehouse sale, they were offering it at RM1309.
What made me think twice about this? Well, it was from a review I read online. First, the memory is only 80GB unlike other mini laptops which offer 160GB. Secondly, the display resolution is 1024 x 576 pixels (minus a little to run some softwares which need at least 1024×600)

Of course, I have to bear in mind that this is a mini laptop and not as powerful as my desktop. I only wanted it to surf (facebook.. haha) and perhaps type some documents. But I really like the sleekness and thin look of the HP mini. Sighh...

Overview of the specifications
Genuine Windows XP Home
Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 (1.60 GHz)
1024 X 576 pixels
80 GB
26.17cm (L) x 16.66cm (W) x 2.513 cm (H)
1.11 kg

Fujitsu M1010
I saw this option today at RM1359 (from RM1499 too). I was told that "Fujitsu" it the Mercedes of the range and was tempted to buy it except that I don't like the design! Call me shallow, but the design looks like the earlier laptop version - thick sandwich and the keypad looks "old school" to someone like me.

The cons was it only had 60GB memory but since I have an external harddrive - it shouldn't matter. The pro is that it has bluetooth and the basic resolution of 1,024 x 600. The extra feature was the colourful/ interchangable colour lid they provided (they claim you can't get this from retail except in warehouse sales only). A review on this can be found here.
Overview of the specifications
Genuine Windows XP Home
Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 (1.60 GHz)
1024 X 600 pixels
60 GB
23.14cm (L) x 17.5cm (W) x 2.9/3.58 cm (H)
Approx. 1 kg

Hence, that was the thoughts of a typical user who doesn't really care about the mambo-jumbo on computer specs as long as it looks nice, works well and doesn't burn a hole in my pocket!

Unfortunately, my pockets weren't deep enough for me to purchase one today - so till the next time! *sob*

Friday, June 05, 2009

Food Review - My Elephant - 2 reviews

Part 1 - Dinner in My Elephant
My friends and I just had out dinner in My Elephant, a Thai restaurant nestled in a residential area of Section 17, PJ.

All right, it's not really a food review as I never took any pictures of the food. (Next time I will! The second time I did take pics... see the review below)
1. Poor lighting for photography using my handphone camera.
2. Hungry after waiting for more than 1 hour for my other friends to arrive from KL. (We were early...)

Their website has good links to food review by other bloggers which will give you an idea of how the food looks like.

Anyway, the place was decorated and renovated like the trend you see nowadays. It is quite small with roughly less than 40 pax at a sitting. But what strike me as interesting was the location of the place.

When I saw the map and address, I thought it was situated in one of the bungalows - converted into a Thai restaurant. I was wrong. The restaurant was on the ground floor area of a low-middle cost apartments among the bungalows in Section 17, PJ.
In fact, the eateries around there on the ground floor of the apartments were crowded and well-frequented. The restaurant we visited had a queue outside after 7.30pm! (Besides it being a small restaurant, I find the crowd amazingly good for such a place).

This shows a successful commercial retail area on the lower floor of an apartment (like the HDB in Singapore) unlike what we normally see in the conventional apartments in Malaysia.

We had 2 starters (popiah and fish cake), 4 main dishes (tom som seafood, green curry chicken, otak-otak omellette, fried "paku" vegie with sambal) and our drinks for 4. The whole meal was about RM120 which was not really cheap but filling. Some of the portion could be better but on the whole we did enjoyed our meal.

I liked the way they mixed the brown rice with Jasmine rice. Have you ever ate brown rice by itself? You would not like it but this mixture makes it appetising. :)

We headed over to another restaurant in the next apartment block which was almost full too. We had some drinks and noticed the western menu seems reasonable; opting to try it the next time.

On the whole, I never knew such a place existed and wouldn't mind trying again. Unfortunately, the dessert menu was on a weaker side so we were actually on the prowl for dessert but lazy to venture further for now. Till then, bon appetite! :)

Part 2 - Lunch set in My Elephant
Since I was around the area, brought my bf to check out their RM8.90 set lunch - one meal, one portion of fresh fruit (watermelon) and a drink (2 choices: Thai roselle cooler or Pandan cooler)
There were a few types of dishes available from the green curry with rice to phad thai (as seen below). The green curry was okay (didn't try any since I had it last night) but my bf complained the portion is not enough for him.
I ordered the Phad Tai which was enough for me but a bit disappointing because the ingredients were pathetic. There was only one prawn and small pieces of chicken somewhere in the kuey tiao. Thankfully, I was not that picky so I just ate it.

Lunch time was also packed.. not sure from regular customers but everyone seemed happy with their meals. At least I got to try a little of their mango salad! :)

Hence, here's my second review with photographs! Happy now Alina? :P

Monday, June 01, 2009

Fooooddd Glorious Food

Remember that line from the musical Oliver?

"Fooodddd glorious fooodd!" The boys sang that; imagining the food they get to eat.

Anyway, I stumbled upon a few very good blogs reviewing on food. The photography is superb in the sense that my mouth water when I see the pictures.

When can I get a chance to try all those food? I wonder.

First of all, you need to form a "Makan gang". Meaning people with the same passion to savour and sample the delicious food out there for your taste buds.

Secondly, you need the people who can meet up at the same time.

Thirdly, you need people who want to eat without fearing to get fat.

And lastly, you just need to go out and eat eat eat!

This is the beauty of staying in Malaysia whereby you can even eat Hokkien Mee at Petaling Street after midnight! (It only opens after midnight.. I saw it being featured in TV the other day)

In the meantime, I'll humbly sample the food I get to eat whenever I can... :)
While trying the yummies featured in some of the blog, I hope that I don't end up saying, "Please, sir, can I have some more?" (I can't get a new wardrobe again if my pants can't fit!! ) :p