Monday, August 04, 2008

Sudden warmth...

Remember watching those horror movies and having the chills? Whereby you get goosebumps and the hair on your arms and neck stand straight up? Like this little kitty below here...
Or remember the scene in Sixth Sense, where Haley Joel Osment breathe can be seen whenever it gets cold because a spirit/ghost is near?
Well, my experience is totally opposite of that.

I started swimming again today. The water was cold and it forces you to move on to keep yourself warm. There were a few kids swimming around too.
Here I was, swimming through the cold water when suddenly, I felt the water became warm and then later cold. Sighhh.. the kids peed in the pool. There you go, I felt the sudden warmth of their natural body temperature through their pee.
Actually, is it safe for us to swim in pee? Shouldn't there be a separate pool just for kids and their pee? Then again, have you peed in the pool as a child? Or don't tell me you do it even as an adult now?? :p

I shall avoid the children's end and swim at the adult side in future. But will that make any difference? Hmmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh well, at least it kept u warm for a moment