Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I was driving home from work today when I noticed two dark-skinned men fumbling with some electrical cabling of the lamp post by the road side. I wouldn't have noticed if it there was no traffic jam. Therefore, I just observe and wonder. ..

First, I noticed a man at the first lamp post. I thought it could be an electrician worker but he was wearing a collared-t-shirt which didn't seem like a uniform. Then I noticed a second man at the next lamp post, who wore a green collared-t-shirt which was different than the first guy. That definitely rules out workers from Tenaga National Berhad (TNB) since they weren't in their typical gray-coloured shirt and dark blue pants.

Second, as it was rush hour at about 7pm, who would still be working at such an hour?

Third, I managed to snap two pictures of their handiwork when the traffic jam slowed to a halt. I couldn't take a picture of the men in action because I was driving as the traffic was still moving slowly.
Take a look at the opened chamber with the wires sticking out. I didn't manage to take the lamp post with the cover thrown messily on the ground. No time to zoom and adjust! Does this look like qualified workers? Or as my hunches tell me, looks more like people stealing electrical wiring?

No one would have bothered about them as everyone was rushing home and getting frustrated at being caught in the daily traffic jam.

I have to check if the lights are on at night to confirm my suspicion.

Anyway, with the increase of living cost, petrol and everything, the desperate are resorting to find additional cash from stealing manhole covers to electrical wiring. While the bold and "ugly" decided to be robbers of shops, banks, jewellery shops and homeowners!Be careful when you walk on a pedestrian walkway, you might drop and hurt yourself in the exposed manhole!!

Update on 14/8/2008.
Guess what? When I drove by these few lamp posts, I noticed the covers were put back into their original place and most of the lights are working. And something else! They put two strips of metal bar to keep the cover at place. As if, that will deter thieves! I will take a picture of it tomorrow and post it here.

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